When this class started I had two thoughts:
1. I'm super excited because I love to blog and I love technology and I love counseling
2. What else can I really learn about it?
Well, I still love it all and I'm still super excited about using it in the future, but there has been so much that I've learned!
I didn't think that so many online tools could really be used to counsel people. I also was surprised at how easy it was to get carried away within the different forms of technology. I know just by looking at my classmates blogs, how I just wanted to keep reading what they all had to say.
Overall it was an awesome experience that I got to have and one that I will continue to use in future sessions.
Now if you're reading this blog because you found it online and are interested, I'm sorry to say that there will be no more posts to this blog. But, be sure to checkout the links provided and email me (the link can be found here in my CV) if you have any questions or want more information!
I've enjoyed bringing you resources and awesome topics over the last 15 weeks and I hope you've enjoyed reading them!
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Sunday, April 19, 2015
You is kind, you is smart, you is important
I'm not sure if any of you have read the book, The Help, or have seen the movie, but that is where the title for this week's blog comes from.
If you haven't read it...or watched the movie....go do it! It's wonderful!
Now onto the topic of the week!
Everyone has those days where we feel like we are just stupid, or boring, or lame, or not worth anyone's time. You know those days? I have them, my friends have them, you have them.
The thing is though, we aren't stupid, boring, lame, and we are totally worth anyone's time.
But life gets us down sometimes and our minds tend to doubt our capabilities or sometimes even our worth.
So what do we do?
We can mope around and have our moments, sure, there's nothing wrong with that, but after you mope (my best friend only gives me like 5 minutes to mope, sometimes I'll get 10), what do you do?
You pick yourself up and remind yourself that you are awesome!
But really, there's a little exercise that I've found to be helpful for moments like these.
Once again it's all about writing things down...or you can say them out loud, but I like writing them down. I feel like it really sticks if I do!
Write down:
3 things you are good at
3 compliments you have received
3 things you like about yourself
3 challenges you have overcome
By writing things down, you're not only bring awareness to the fact that you have positive qualities, but you're also changing your mood while you do it. It makes you go back and think, "oh wow, I totally forgot this happened" or "I remember when she gave me that compliment!".
So next time you feel like you're a plastic bag, drifting through the wind and wanting to start again.
Or you feel so paper thin, like a house of cards, one blow from caving in....
Sorry I had to!
In all seriousness though, next time you are having a bad day and you feel worthless or not good enough, I want you to try writing those things down and see how it changes your mood!
And always remember....

If you haven't read it...or watched the movie....go do it! It's wonderful!
Now onto the topic of the week!
Everyone has those days where we feel like we are just stupid, or boring, or lame, or not worth anyone's time. You know those days? I have them, my friends have them, you have them.
The thing is though, we aren't stupid, boring, lame, and we are totally worth anyone's time.
But life gets us down sometimes and our minds tend to doubt our capabilities or sometimes even our worth.
So what do we do?
We can mope around and have our moments, sure, there's nothing wrong with that, but after you mope (my best friend only gives me like 5 minutes to mope, sometimes I'll get 10), what do you do?
You pick yourself up and remind yourself that you are awesome!
But really, there's a little exercise that I've found to be helpful for moments like these.
Once again it's all about writing things down...or you can say them out loud, but I like writing them down. I feel like it really sticks if I do!
Write down:
3 things you are good at
3 compliments you have received
3 things you like about yourself
3 challenges you have overcome
By writing things down, you're not only bring awareness to the fact that you have positive qualities, but you're also changing your mood while you do it. It makes you go back and think, "oh wow, I totally forgot this happened" or "I remember when she gave me that compliment!".
So next time you feel like you're a plastic bag, drifting through the wind and wanting to start again.
Or you feel so paper thin, like a house of cards, one blow from caving in....
Sorry I had to!
In all seriousness though, next time you are having a bad day and you feel worthless or not good enough, I want you to try writing those things down and see how it changes your mood!
And always remember....

Sunday, April 12, 2015
Nighty Night
This week I want to talk about something that is really important for our bodies...especially if you have a chronic illness or disability.
Let's talk about sleep.
Now most of you might be like me, where we feel like we don't get enough sleep because we have so much we need to do.
But in order to take care of ourselves, we need to sleep in order to get the energy we need to function.
Those who have chronic illnesses and disabilities rely on sleep to provide their bodies with the rest they need.
This can also apply to those who don't have disabilities.
Let's talk about sleep.
Now most of you might be like me, where we feel like we don't get enough sleep because we have so much we need to do.
But in order to take care of ourselves, we need to sleep in order to get the energy we need to function.
Those who have chronic illnesses and disabilities rely on sleep to provide their bodies with the rest they need.
This can also apply to those who don't have disabilities.
Yes!! And I'm going to tell you some great ways that will help you get the sleep you need.
1. The first thing is to set a schedule.
Now, I'm a stickler for making sure my sleep schedule is not messed with. I'm in bed by 10 at the latest and I just watch mindless tv until I'm asleep by 11 then I'm up before my alarm goes off around 7. My body likes the schedule and it knows that if it gets more or less sleep than normal, that somethings off.
2. Don't force yourself to go to sleep.
This one can be hard because we know if we don't get the sleep we need then we are going to be cranky or in a bad mood, but don't force it. They say if you haven't fallen asleep within the first 20 minutes to go read or do something calming. Don't watch TV because the bright lights will just keep you awake longer.
3. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.
Doing these things before bed or even a few hours before bed can affect your quality of sleep and your ability to even fall asleep.
4. Avoid Naps.
This one I believe in! I don't take naps because I know I won't sleep at night. If you aren't like me though and love cat naps, then don't take one longer than an hour and don't take it later in the day.
5. Only use your bed for sleeping.
This one is tough for me because my bed is just so comfortable, but the more activities you do in bed, the more your body will associate those activities to laying down. So the more you read or do homework on your bed, the more your body will think that it's time to rest. Then you won't get anything done!
6. Exercise and Eat well.
This is true for everything. However, don't eat big meals at least 2 hours before bed. But eating well and exercising can lead to your body becoming healthier which leads to better sleep!
7. Sleep in a comfortable environment,
I hope everyone's bed is comfy! But by sleeping in a place where you feel comfortable, safe, and secure, it allows your body to relax more and fully rest. So splurge on that extra foam top or those ear plugs and eye mask you want...it just means you're working on getting more sleep at night so you can function better in the day!
If you work on these steps, you'll be sleeping like a puppy in no time!
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
The Little Things
There are many times throughout the day that we take things for granted.
It's not our faults, we just get to wrapped up in every day life that we tend to overlook the little things.
This week I want to talk about a few exercises that you can do that will bring to focus those things we miss.
Let's call them gratitude exercises.
Not only will it bring some positivity back into our lives, but it will remind us that we are not alone.
By reminding ourselves that good things to happen, it sheds light on the little things, the little blessings we encounter on a day to day basis.
The first activity you can do (you don't have to do all of them) is just journaling!
Pretty simple, right?
So every night before you go to bed, reflect on your day and write down around 5 good things that happened to you. They don't have to be big, in fact they can be as simple as having a conversation with your best friend on the phone. But just journal a few thoughts and how that made you feel before and after the good thing happened!
The second activity is to write a letter to someone you appreciate. It can be someone who has helped you recently, in the past, or someone who you see every day and just don't tell them how much they mean to you. Put some specifics in there about how they make you feel or how they make your life better. I know that they would love to hear from you and I know that by making them smile, you'll feel better yourself! Oh, and don't forget to actually give them the letter!
The third activity is to actually visit someone who means a lot to you. Now I know in this day and age we are all so busy that we don't have time to actually sit down and have a conversation with someone, but that's why it's on here. You have to make the time to sit and listen and appreciate someone's company. It's amazing how much we take for granted human interaction! It'll make you feel connected and loved after just talking to someone and laughing for 5 minutes.
The fourth activity is a really important one, in my opinion. It's just saying Thank you to people or to the world. By noticing the little things people do for you, the people getting your food, the traffic light not turning red so you can go, or the simple kindness of a stranger....by appreciating that and saying thank you for that, you are acknowledging the fact that it happened instead of thinking you deserve it or expect it to happen. Saying thank you is showing respect and gratitude and it's something we need to do more.
The last one on the list is to take a gratitude walk. Now I know this one is a bit tricky because of our schedules and trust me, I'm one of the worst when it comes to this...but sometimes we just need to take a walk outside and notice the world around us. We need to break away from the electronics and go listen to the birds and guess the shapes of the clouds in the sky. It's easier said than done, I know. However, you'll feel more connected and in touch with yourself and everything around you.
Try one or a few of these this week and see how you feel! If anything, just take the time to be thankful for what you do have and notice the little things in life that are really little blessings in disguise!
It's not our faults, we just get to wrapped up in every day life that we tend to overlook the little things.
This week I want to talk about a few exercises that you can do that will bring to focus those things we miss.
Let's call them gratitude exercises.
Not only will it bring some positivity back into our lives, but it will remind us that we are not alone.
By reminding ourselves that good things to happen, it sheds light on the little things, the little blessings we encounter on a day to day basis.
The first activity you can do (you don't have to do all of them) is just journaling!
Pretty simple, right?
So every night before you go to bed, reflect on your day and write down around 5 good things that happened to you. They don't have to be big, in fact they can be as simple as having a conversation with your best friend on the phone. But just journal a few thoughts and how that made you feel before and after the good thing happened!
The second activity is to write a letter to someone you appreciate. It can be someone who has helped you recently, in the past, or someone who you see every day and just don't tell them how much they mean to you. Put some specifics in there about how they make you feel or how they make your life better. I know that they would love to hear from you and I know that by making them smile, you'll feel better yourself! Oh, and don't forget to actually give them the letter!
The third activity is to actually visit someone who means a lot to you. Now I know in this day and age we are all so busy that we don't have time to actually sit down and have a conversation with someone, but that's why it's on here. You have to make the time to sit and listen and appreciate someone's company. It's amazing how much we take for granted human interaction! It'll make you feel connected and loved after just talking to someone and laughing for 5 minutes.
The fourth activity is a really important one, in my opinion. It's just saying Thank you to people or to the world. By noticing the little things people do for you, the people getting your food, the traffic light not turning red so you can go, or the simple kindness of a stranger....by appreciating that and saying thank you for that, you are acknowledging the fact that it happened instead of thinking you deserve it or expect it to happen. Saying thank you is showing respect and gratitude and it's something we need to do more.
The last one on the list is to take a gratitude walk. Now I know this one is a bit tricky because of our schedules and trust me, I'm one of the worst when it comes to this...but sometimes we just need to take a walk outside and notice the world around us. We need to break away from the electronics and go listen to the birds and guess the shapes of the clouds in the sky. It's easier said than done, I know. However, you'll feel more connected and in touch with yourself and everything around you.
Try one or a few of these this week and see how you feel! If anything, just take the time to be thankful for what you do have and notice the little things in life that are really little blessings in disguise!
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Top 10 List: Miscellaneous
10. Ten activities to get rid of anxiety
This is a neat little list of things that you can do to
practice lowering your anxiety. It goes back to some of the basic coping skills
that you can use from yoga and exercise to positive affirmations.
9. 16 Gentle Exercises for People with Arthritis
This can be used for any type of disability when done the
right way. It doesn’t have to be just for arthritis. It’s a pretty cool list of
low key, not hard on your joint exercises that I found could be useful for
those wanting to become active or wanting to find a new way to cope and release
8. Theory of Everything
Based on the life of Stephen Hawking, this movie shows his struggles
overcoming the obstacles that ALS placed on him. He beat the odds with the help
of his friends and family and the fact that he never gave up. Such an inspirational movie that features
someone with a disability and shows how he was able to live with it.
7. 30+ lessons life with Chronic Illness can teach you
Written by a lady who has lived with a Chronic Illness for a
very long time, this list includes first hand advice/opinions/thoughts on what
it’s like to live with a disability. It’s always nice hearing what someone who
actually deals with it on a daily basis has to say.
6. Tips of Traveling with a Chronic Illness
So you may be thinking why this is on a list for mental
health and chronic illnesses. Well, it’s because this is information that we don’t
normally think of. We tend to overlook the simple things in life, like packing
or vacationing or even walking. So, why not put it on the list?!
5. Coping Skills Toolbox
This is a pretty awesome thing to have handy! It’s simple
and something that you can make all your own. It’s a toolbox for things you can
pull out when you need it to calm you down and bring you back to your safe
place. Check it out!
4. How Stress Affects the Body
I have this on here because I feel like a lot of us really
don’t fully understand the impact that stress has on our bodies. This breaks it
down and explains what we all need to know.
3. What you need to know
This is a basic definition list of
some of the major autoimmune disorders. It’s helpful to have on hand, just like
the last number about the effects of stress on the body. It’s just some
resources to keep on file in case you find yourself wondering more about them.
1. 2. Things you may not know about autoimmune disease
I really like this page! It’s honest, it has
facts, it’s written by someone who knows what it’s like to live with an
autoimmune disease. Basically, it’s very relatable!
1. 1. Cake
This is a movie about a lady experiencing chronic pain after
a car accident. She then befriends the husband of a lady in her chronic pain
group that committed suicide and together they work their way through the
healing process. It’s a great combination of what it’s like to experience
depression and chronic illness. It’s a wonderful film that I recommend seeing!
Stop and Breathe
Lately we've been talking about coping skills and how to apply them when you're feeling stressed and overwhelmed.
Well I have a first hand experience to share with you on how I applied my coping skills this past week and it helped me to survive....literally.
If you've made your way over to my other blog, then you know that I have a chronic illness.
This past week I got really sick, so sick I ended up in the hospital for 5 days.
It started out with what I thought was just stress from Comps, because those are really stressful, but then it turned into something worse.
I'm not going to get into details, if you want to read those, then just check out my other blog in a few days lol!
However, throughout the week while I was in the hospital I was stressed over missing school, falling behind, my body not having enough energy or strength to sit up, and just freaking out about everything.
It was here (after many phone calls from professors and my mother nagging me) that I realized it was all out of my control.
I stopped thinking those negative automatic thoughts that weren't helping me and I took a deep breath.
Now I know i've talked about breathing a lot and you're probably rolling your eyes at me right now.
But it works.
Sometimes you have to focus on what's right in front of you in order to gain the control back that you lost.
I couldn't fix not being in school. I couldn't fix my body breaking down on me.
What I could fix though, was being able to breathe.
Simply taking one deep breath showed me that I do have some power, I do have some control over my situation.
And sometimes when you're really stressed or anxious or overwhelmed, that little bit of control is all you need.
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