Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Being Mindful

Mindfulness is something that's still very new to the field of counseling. I'm going to be talking about how mindfulness can be used as a coping mechanism for stress.

What is mindfulness?

Well, it simply is the act of being mindful.
Our lives can be filled with stress and pressures of trying to do our best, be our best, and make people happy. With that comes overwhelming feelings and thoughts.

In order to help with those, we practice mindfulness.
If intrusive thoughts enter our mind, we simply notice them, then blow them away.
We focus on the task at hand.
Now I know that sounds hard because there are so many things to worry about. But that's the point of mindfulness. You focus on one thing. When you drive, you drive. When you need to breathe, you simply breathe.

By focusing on one thing, it alleviates the stress of the rest of your worries.

Below I've listed some blog posts that I've found helpful. They both include some mindfulness exercises and I encourage you to try them!

Take a deep breath, let it out, and start your journey on becoming more mindful :)

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