Sunday, April 5, 2015

Top 10 List: Miscellaneous

10. Ten activities to get rid of anxiety

This is a neat little list of things that you can do to practice lowering your anxiety. It goes back to some of the basic coping skills that you can use from yoga and exercise to positive affirmations.

9. 16 Gentle Exercises for People with Arthritis

This can be used for any type of disability when done the right way. It doesn’t have to be just for arthritis. It’s a pretty cool list of low key, not hard on your joint exercises that I found could be useful for those wanting to become active or wanting to find a new way to cope and release stress.

8. Theory of Everything
Based on the life of Stephen Hawking, this movie shows his struggles overcoming the obstacles that ALS placed on him. He beat the odds with the help of his friends and family and the fact that he never gave up.  Such an inspirational movie that features someone with a disability and shows how he was able to live with it. 

7. 30+ lessons life with Chronic Illness can teach you

Written by a lady who has lived with a Chronic Illness for a very long time, this list includes first hand advice/opinions/thoughts on what it’s like to live with a disability. It’s always nice hearing what someone who actually deals with it on a daily basis has to say.  

6. Tips of Traveling with a Chronic Illness

So you may be thinking why this is on a list for mental health and chronic illnesses. Well, it’s because this is information that we don’t normally think of. We tend to overlook the simple things in life, like packing or vacationing or even walking. So, why not put it on the list?!

5. Coping Skills Toolbox

This is a pretty awesome thing to have handy! It’s simple and something that you can make all your own. It’s a toolbox for things you can pull out when you need it to calm you down and bring you back to your safe place. Check it out!

4. How Stress Affects the Body

I have this on here because I feel like a lot of us really don’t fully understand the impact that stress has on our bodies. This breaks it down and explains what we all need to know.

      3. What you need to know
      This is a basic definition list of some of the major autoimmune disorders. It’s helpful to have on hand, just like the last number about the effects of stress on the body. It’s just some resources to keep on file in case you find yourself wondering more about them.

1.      2.  Things you may not know about autoimmune disease

I really like this page! It’s honest, it has facts, it’s written by someone who knows what it’s like to live with an autoimmune disease. Basically, it’s very relatable!

1.       1. Cake

This is a movie about a lady experiencing chronic pain after a car accident. She then befriends the husband of a lady in her chronic pain group that committed suicide and together they work their way through the healing process. It’s a great combination of what it’s like to experience depression and chronic illness. It’s a wonderful film that I recommend seeing! 

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